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Absolutely love the fluidity with which he blends so many stories and creatures and characters into one chaotic metropolis. We meet Lin, a khepri insect artist, and her boyfriend, Isaac, a maverick human scientist. Perfect Musical Pairing Bon Iver — Holocene Because I listened so obsessively to the new Bon Iver album for the entire time I was reading this book that they melded and layered themselves together. Let's just say I've arrived at the party a little too late. Mar 25, Bradley rated it really liked it Shelves: I mean, for a book with a sadistic, eight-legged, scissor-happy deus ex machinarachnid who talks in poetry and all caps. perdido street station china mieville

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The air and rivers are thick with factory pollutants and the strange effluents of alchemy, and the ghettos contain a vast mix of workers, artists, spies, junkies, and whores. How can a reader experience this? I lost my groove. What did CM do to make me fall so?

perdido street station china mieville

But damn it took a while to get there. Among his many samples, Tsation receives a pitiful little grub that doesn't seem to do much of anything and won't even eat As Roger Ebert likes to say, this one goes so far over the top, it circumnavigates the top and doubles back on itself.

The author took some very big risks with the love interest Lin and the relationship between her and the main character Isaac Grimnebulin. As an economist, he can't help but enumerate the world; for strfet, events unerringly lead back to fundamental causes like need, supply, gain, and zero-sum games.

Perdido Street Station by China MiƩville: | : Books

Yes, Perdido Street Station is rife with the nihilistic attitudes that so many people associate with "being punk". I still enjoyed it, but by the perdudo, I didn't care what was happening anymore, I just wanted it to end. The protagonists lack depth and seem fairly generic, at least in terms of personality.

And then going to posh schools full of right wing people who came out with the most outrageous homophobic and racist drivel, and then going to university and realizing that there was a way of making sense of all chinaa awful stuff going on as part of the same phenomenon, a world system that would never reform itself.

I turn and walk into my home, the city, a man. This is gross, even though CM uses the same language he would use for Lin and Isaac. And the Handlinger race were fascinating, I hope there is more about them in the books following from this one, which I will try reading, I've been told they improve upon this one. But when a half-bird, half-human creature known as the Garuda comes to him from afar, Isaac is faced with challenges he has never before encountered.

He opened my door, reached for the light switch, turned off the lights, closed the door and went off to bed himself, but not before the light had attracted some fuzzy, beige, fluttering, dusty fucking creatures.

perdido street station china mieville

Anyway, I don't recommend it. I wanted to be an engineer, then a cartographer, finally a diplomat.

perdido street station china mieville

I'd love to see an adjective count of this book. Perdido Street Station 1 New Crobuzon 1. View all 49 comments.

Perdido Street Station

As I progressed through the novel, what first noticeably drew my attention were the unusual rainbow larva, one of them carried away in a whirlwind of black market activity to the lair of an exceedingly eccentric, if not mad, scientist. Intrigued by the challenge, particularly how it seems to dovetail nicely with his crisis work, Isaac agrees, and has an agent put word out throughout the city for samples of flying creatures whose wings he can use as templates for builing a new pair for Yagharek.

He kissed her warm red skin. The characters within the story are not nice and noble people. Is it fantasy, is it sci-fi, or is it just outright weird fiction? Want to Read saving….

Such gender fluidity also fits with the transition theme. Mieville might not be perfect, but he has more talent and creativity in his pinky finger than a hoard mievile writers put together.

SF : Perdido Street Station / China MiĆ©ville ★★★★

But he is strfet merely a Cyberpunk author dabbling in fantasy, any more than Lovecraft was a fantasist who wrote about space aliens. It freaks me out! One of the quotes on the back describes it as "phantasmagoric," which seems accurate. Dominated miefille the eponymous bulk of Perdido Street Station, with the enormous ribcage of a long-dead ancient giant jutting out in the middle of it, built on the banks of rivers from which you'd better not take a drink, it appears to be made of the stuff of nightmares.


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